Why should you use react native for Mobile App Development? React native Apps

Released five years ago by Facebook (Develop React Native Apps), React Native was developed due to an internal hackathon in order to create native user interface elements by using Javascript. In addition, React Native was the perfect combination for developers who wanted to create native UI elements with their tool of choice – Javascript. In addition, since then, React Native has grown by leaps and bounds.

But why? Building a mobile app has never been easier, with thousands of resources available online and many developers producing tutorials every second. But there has always been a polar war between Android and iOS.

Should you learn Java or Kotlin to develop Android apps with a broader reach and a vast audience? In addition, as per the latest reports, there are 2.56 million apps in the Google Play Store alone. So the average customer has a lot to choose from.Or do you prefer the much more lucrative iOS, where consumers spend on average 2.5 times more money than Android users? Then it would help if you learned Objective-C/Swift.

However, a few Facebook developers were tired of using different languages to build apps that did the same thing, and in 2015 they developed a framework to create native-style apps for Android and iOS in one language, Javascript. They called this framework React Native.Facebook’s mantra is “Learn once, write anywhere,” and React Native is a perfect application of this mantra. Without further ado, let’s explore the reasons why you should consider React Native for your app development.

Reason 1: Support for cross-platform app development.

Suppose you talk to any developer in the world. In that case, they will tell you how much of a headache it is to maintain Android and iOS apps because they are written in different languages and use other frameworks.Developing an app on one platform means a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. All you need is a skilled JavaScript developer proficient in native UI libraries, APIs, and hybrid app development.

Caveat: While in most cases, you won’t need to learn native programming languages in detail, there may be situations where you need to work on native development. This is especially the case when you integrate native SDKs for Android/iOS. Still, the React Native SDK is not available, or when certain native features are not available in React Native.

Reason 2: Develop apps faster (move fast & build breakable things?).

React Native has been around for more than half a decade, and its large online support community is growing by the day. What does it means for the average mobile app developer? There are plenty of pre-built components available, so you don’t have to build everything from scratch.

With a single piece of code, the chances of finding a bug in React Native are significantly reduced. This means that an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) can be built faster than ever. You can quickly release the first version of your app with only the minimum features, the MVP, and save everything else for later development.

Once you know what additional features are needed, you can build them instead of wasting time and resources building detailed user interfaces. Run your application quickly, see what works and what doesn’t, and then focus on the things that do.Using the split layer for iOS and Android means that React Native apps develop at least 30% faster.

Reason 3: Update your apps without going to the app stores – Code Push

Once your mobile application has been published to the App Store or Play Store, you might notice that you missed a typo or want to fix a minor feature. In native apps, adding new features means you have to repeat the build process and download updates to the app store.Then you have to go through the Apple or Google approval process, after which users have to install the updated apps manually.However, this all happened before Code Push, which React Native and Apache Cordova use. With the cloud-based App Center, the app is automatically updated on the fly, and users can see the changes without restarting the app. (React Native Apps Development)

Reason 4: Working with a limited budget

We’ve already seen that React Native apps can be built much faster than separate Android and iOS apps. Saving time is a major benefit of using React Native, but another significant advantage is saving money.

When you’re a small, just-started business, you need to maximize your return on investment on every penny you spend. Instead of hiring separate iOS and Android developers, you can direct your resources towards hiring a good React developer. While there are cross-platform options like Xamarin and Cordova, developers agree that they don’t offer the best user experience. (Develop economical React Native Apps)

Reason 5: Reduce development complexity (plain and simple).

React makes complex tasks simple with easy-to-read code. This framework uses the UI library created by Facebook to create easy-to-understand code and implements React JS.Application development projects usually have different expected outcomes, and React Native provides a simple and straightforward solution to many of these problems.

A key feature of React Native is “Hot Reload.” With this feature, application developers get a real-time preview of the code and its actual impact while the application is being coded. This ensures that developers make as few mistakes as possible and that the code is “bug-free”.Instant reloading means that code can be fixed or changed as the application is loaded. The system also provides a state-independent perspective during a state change. (Develop Hybrid React Native Apps)

Reason 6: It looks like a native application

Apps built with React Native have native UI elements, unlike Phonegap or Ionic. Using the latter always makes the user experience look like a web-based application and not a native application. This is one area where React Native excels.

React Native allows your app to use elements that are native to mobile design. Instead of individual components rendering elements on both platforms (for example, a button), React Native components are aware of other native components. React Native takes the building blocks of the native UI and integrates them into its own JavaScript.The result? Applications look and work like native mobile apps, and the user experience is dramatically improved. Add to that that React uses the same building blocks for iOS and Android, and the look and feel that users expect is the same on both platforms.To get the same functionality as a native app, developers also can write a mix of native and React code. This further improves the look & feel of the mobile app, which resembles a native app. (React Native Apps Solutions)

Reason 7: The same programming language makes things easier.

When building an app using React Native, the primary code base uses the same core programming language on Android and iOS.This is the same as creating and deploying the same app to both the Play and App Store. You can also easily recompile the app without modifying the framework to the level you want.

While other Javascript approaches for mobile wrap your Javascript code in a web view, in React, the component describes its appearance. React takes care of rendering after this step, and there is a pure abstraction layer in between. This abstraction layer called the “bridge,” allows React Native to call the rendering interfaces of iOS (real UI views) and Android (native views).

With React Native, most of your code is written in Javascript and CSS. React then takes your application and runs it using the host platform’s Javascript engine. This gives you the benefits of native technology in terms of performance, behavior, and animation without writing Java or Objective C code.Since React is primarily written in Javascript, you can take advantage of many of the benefits of web development, such as the ability to “update” your application instantly to see changes in your code. (Easy development of React Native Apps)

Reason 8: Easier debugging

One of the main benefits of having a single code base for Android and iOS is that it makes it easier to find bugs. React code is reusable; you only need to release a single update for both platforms.Ask any developer, and they’ll tell you that debugging isn’t the most enjoyable job. You have to spend hours looking at your code, or sometimes other people’s code, to find the exact spot where the developer made a stupid syntax error.

With React Native, your team doesn’t have to spend countless hours reviewing two different sets of code. A single patch removes errors from all operating systems at once, allowing you to deliver consistent behavior across all platforms.

When developing a native mobile app, you or your team will need to use the integrated development environment (IDE) for that platform and learn all the nuances of that debugger. However, with React Native, you can use some commonly available tools, such as console.log or Nuclide, an add-on released by Facebook itself.

Let’s Wrap Up:

Thanks to React Native’s “hot reload” feature, mobile app development companies in India can now perform debugging-type operations at runtime and see the results immediately in the running application. Compare this to native development, where developers must shut down the entire system, apply a patch, and restart it. Developers can push updates later, with no impact on the end user.

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