5 Major Reasons Your Mobile App Fails to Get Enough Downloads

The more mobile apps are introduced into app stores, the more benefits customers will get. While the abundance of mobile apps is useful for users, it may be unfavourable for business owners who plan to drive traffic through the company application. It might be surprising, but approximately 80 to 90 percent of apps are uninstalled after first use.

So what are the reasons for the application failure in the app stores? What is the biggest disconnection for your app users? Let’s take a look at the main reasons for the failure of the mobile app and tips for solving this problem.

1. Inability to Solve Problems of the Real-World

Users scan and download their app to get the information they’re looking for. If you check from app stores, you will find many applications that are nothing more than a copy of the popular apps. Do you think your audience will download something that is already installed on their smartphones?

If you want to capture the attention of your visitors, you must create a unique and useful application that solves the problem in real-time for users. The mobile app fails when people only design it as a source of income. The best way to ensure your app gets free traffic and recognition is to provide users with useful content.

2. Unable to Comprehend Your Target Audience

You might think, “We already know who our target audience is and how we can get their attention.” Unfortunately, only a few companies were able to understand their true audience. Your mobile app will not last long in app stores if you do not follow your target audience. The major solution to this issue is market research. In addition, do some research work to find out what your target audience is searching for? And who will help specifically from your request?

For example, if you are designing a games app for children under 6-7 years old, your audience is not just children but also their mothers and their nannies. After all, it will be their brothers and older mothers who will play the game for them.

3. Failure to Select the Right Mobile App Platform

You are calling for problems by not choosing the appropriate platform for your app. When choosing a platform for mobile applications, you should consider the preference of your target audience. Make sure to choose the appropriate platform before starting the mobile application development process. Instead of focusing on the platform that best suits your budget and knowledge, you should choose the one that best meets the user’s requirements.

4.  Limited or Excessive App Features

Most of the mobile apps on the market failure due to an inappropriate balance factor. You don’t want to overwhelm your users by offering many functions that seem very complex. Similarly, you don’t want your app to be uninstalled just because your competitors have better and more features. The number of features that integrate with your app should be determined by the device it will be used on, the audience, and ease of use.

5. The Mobile App Has Bad User Experience

Designing applications is much more than just how they look. Creating an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user experience designed with the user in mind is vital to the success of your application. There are a lot of things app owners should be aware of when thinking about user experience, but let’s take a look at the areas where most people make mistakes.

Sloppy navigation
Slow browsing can mean a lot of things, and we’ve all tried them at least once. Having to click multiple times to reach the desired destination, confusing on-screen confusions, very small or very large menus – these are all examples of poor navigation flow. It is the user’s greatest enemy because it prevents him from reaching his goal quickly and easily.

Lack of search functionality
While adding the search tab should be something that app builders don’t think about, it’s surprising that the number of app owners hasn’t added this basic functionality to their mobile app. Imagine an e-commerce application without a search option or a food delivery application that does not allow the user to find what they are looking for.

Poor use of icons and typography
Another factor that affects the user experience is the misuse of fonts and icons. Poor writing can affect readability and misuse of icons tends to confuse the user. If the user has a hard time understanding what their app is trying to communicate with, there is a greater chance that they will stop trying and move to an app that is easy for them. Don’t let your hard work go down the drain due to poor design.

Unresponsive gestures
Did you find yourself tapping the screen when you have to swipe or continue clicking an icon that doesn’t respond? Your Opportunities Unresponsive gestures are a major issue that application owners should focus on. Not only does it frustrate the user, but it also makes your app look unprofessional.

The presence of any of these is intended to spoil the user experience. The user experience should be simple and smooth, and doing it this way should be a priority for app owners and businesses because this factor is what distinguishes a good app from a bad app.

Let’s Wrap Up

If you have any query related to your mobile app or if you want to make your mobile app successful, you need to contact a mobile app development company in India and ask for various steps they take to make their mobile app successful.

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